Special Collections & Archives 

Cosmic Light《宇宙光》雜誌


This digitization project consists of 501 issues and an index of Cosmic Light published by the Christian Cosmic Light Holistic Care Organization between 1972 and December 2015. HKBU Library is grateful to the Organization for providing us complimentary digital copies of the new issues of Cosmic Light from 2016 to 2020.

納入是項計劃的書刊包括由財團法人基督教宇宙光全人關懷機構於 1972年至 2015年12月出版的501期《宇宙光》雜誌及索引。 香港浸會大學圖書館衷心感謝基督教宇宙光全人關懷機構送贈其後出版的《宇宙光》電子版至2020年,以供讀者免費閱覽。


Issue Number




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